I took my little niece to Starbucks one morning because when I used to babysitt her we would go meet the ladies every Tuesday morning. I think she really liked it. I would order her a strawberry frapp and a piece of Lemon Pound Cake. I just loved all the facial expressions she made in this set of pictures. I knew right away I wanted to make a book shaped like a coffee cup with all her pictures. She looked so much like a little lady gossiping at the coffee shop. I finally finished this project that I have had on my mind since June when the photos were taken. I couldn't find chip board shaped like a coffee cup for this so I used gift boxes. I cut the shape out and covered it with card stock. I picked browns and vintage looking paper. I inked the edges of the pages and on the torn cardstock.I added a ring and some ribbon and used a couple of the little starbucks gift cards that are so cute.Riley, Samuel and I had a good visit at Starbucks.